What are debt funds and who can invest in them?
While equity mutual funds invest in public listed companies, debt funds invest in fixed-income securities of government and companies. These include corporate bonds, government securities, treasury bills, money market instruments and various other types of debt securities. Like a stock, investing in a company's equity is like buying a stake for the growth of that company. But when you buy debt fund, you give loan to the issuing entity. Government and private companies issue bills and bonds to get loans to run their various programs. The interest you receive from these debt securities is determined in advance and its maturity period. Therefore they are called 'fix income' security because in this you know what you are going to get. Like equity funds, debt funds also raise good profits by investing in different securities. Debt funds offer good returns, but there is no guarantee of returns. Nevertheless, returns in debt funds can be estimated, which makes them safe for the ...